Mobile Video Reconnaissance with the Wyze Car Elite Spy Vehicle

The Wyze company is known for making inexpensive smart devices and recently came out with the new Wyze Cam version 3. So what do you do with your Wyze Cam version 2 camera? You can still keep using them like you normally do, or you can do something pretty cool like integrate them into the chassis of a toy car with monster tires. The Wyze Car is exactly that. It is a toy car equipped with a power bank and a Wyze 2 camera. Boom! It is launched on April 1st and can seemingly be taken as an April fools joke but it looks like it’s for real. It’s on their website as a pre-order item.

The Wyze Car connects to your phone’s Wi-Fi and uses the Wyze app to navigate the Wyze Car with built-in remote control. The all-wheel-drive will allow you to traverse many types of terrain and the shock-absorbing suspension helps when you get a little too carried away. Driving at night? No problem. The integrated LED headlights will help illuminate your way while you capture video footage of the area. The Wyze Car boasts a 2-hour operation life on a single charge and allows you to select from two different battery modes: Eco-mode and Sports-mode.

See footage from a first-person perspective by streaming real-time video to your phone using Wi-Fi direct. This connects your Wyze Car directly to your phone so that you don’t have to be bound to your home’s Wi-Fi. There are several restrictions like you can’t drive it out in the rain because it’s not waterproof and it is suggested that you don’t go mudding. But overall, it looks like a great time or surveillance nightmare in the making.

Wyze Car
Wyze Car
Wyze Car


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